Discover How To Beat Your IBS Bloat

Without Giving Up The Foods You Love

Get Access To My 5 Ways To Overcome The Annoying IBS Bloat Free Guide

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What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

About Me! Who Am I?

Hey, I’m Ryan! A Certified Holistic Health Coach & Energy Practitioner who specializes in the Human Intestinal Microbiome and is passionate about helping others transform their digestive health.

I help people over 30 to conquer their IBS, so that they can enjoy their days free from discomfort and anxiety. Unlike many holistic practitioners who mainly focus on diet, I employ a comprehensive 5-step assessment process that examines hormones, primal pattern type, digestion, neurotransmitters and metabolism. By identifying the root causes of their issues, we address gut bacterial imbalances and use bioresonance technology in a personalized plan, helping my clients reclaim their social lives without dependence on strict diets or costly meds.

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